Here are the rules:
Create a suitcase using the tutorial below.
Must have a vintage or shabby feel to it.
Must use either fabric or lace.
Deadline is October 15, 2010-(New Deadline)at midnight Pacific Time.
Leave a comment with a link to your blog.
Post your suitcase on your blog and link my blog to your project.
Be unique use your imagination and go with it!
I will pick a winner on October 20, 2010.

Hi Leslie!
Here is the link to my suitcase, thanks for the tutorial.
ami aqui mi maletita gracias por tus hermosas creaciones, y disculpa las fotos.
noo, pues si hay un poco mas de tiempo!!! :D Oki doki!!! Hare una maleta estilo Shabby Chic Leslie!!! :O
Hi Leslie, here is my link to my suitcase, and my blog entry
hola leslie, aqui esta mi enlace al blog
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